Monday, February 1, 2010


Creating healthy habits is in itself an adventure and can be fun if you develop a good attitude about a life of wellness. Far too often people take dis-eases and dis-orders as something that just happens...but far too often they are a direct result of poor lifestyle choices. Wellness does not just incorporate the physical body...wellness is about balance of the mind, the body and the spirit.
The first rule of thumb...the pathway to wellness must be one you take an active participation in and one that YOU choose. There are some things that will make the journey a much easier one but if you don't decide for yourself you want to be won't work...because IT IS WORK.
The flip side of that is once you step on the path, with the proper support, tips and tools...what began as what seemed like a chore will turn into a welcomed habit.
My e-guide, Pathway to a Healthier Lifestyle, is a tool to get you started along your way.
My monthly teleconference, Let's Talk Health, serves as a support platform for group support. Take your time as you go through the guide and visit the links...some provide additional information.
Need a little more help to get on one weekly support by appointment is also available.
Contact me for more details.

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