Monday, September 9, 2024




When I became a full-time caregiver for my mom, my life went from focusing on the now  to one of chaos where I was constantly living for the future. It seemed like I was always planning for the next. What medication did I need for the next two-week medication box fill, what supplies did I need to order, what food did I need to order and prepare, etc.  My mind never seemed to shut off, even when I would lay down to try and sleep.

Sadly, I like many people, was focused on where I had been or where I may be going.  I was unaware that the past and the future exist only as concepts in one’s mind and this was robbing me of my inner peace and serenity.

Learning to rest in the peace and simplicity of the present moment is an antidote to the stresses of life and a balm to heal the soul. Working with a therapist I was able to incorporate mindfulness into my every life:

1.   1.  Practice deep breathing

2.   2.  Take at least 10 minutes to focus on doing something for myself

3.   3.  Becoming aware of the beauty of nature that surrounds me.

Read more “How Caregivers Benefit From Mindfullness” and be sure to share what you have found to be helpful for you.

“Living in the moment means living your life consciously, deeply aware that each breath is a gift.” — Oprah Winfrey

Friday, May 31, 2024


Following almost three years of being the caregiver for my mother, I am working my way back to hopefully provide healthful content on my blog. Along with health pertinent information, I hope to also interject my caregiver journey. No one can imagine what full time caregiving is like until you have walked the path. I am hoping my sharing some of my

 journey will provide assistance to someone embarking on that path

 I will be updating links within the month so my content will be current.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


 Do you have a friend or relative that you consider to be a neat freak, or  one who constantly changes their mind.  In some instances we can be quick to view that person as one who has a mental health disorder? In a world where there is always a stigma surrounding mental health, this practice can be very harmful. Read why we need to Be Careful About Labeling

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Waist Circumference and Leg Edema

 Lymphedema caused by obesity may not be reversible