Wednesday, December 31, 2008


One of the reaons our meals are unhealthy is the way in which we prepare our food. I am in a constant battle with my family concerning their use of salt, butter and fat meats to appeal to their conditioned taste buds. I use the word conditioned because if you did a test and went for a month without using table salt and switched to using herbs for seasoning, you would be surprise how your desire for that tast of salt would change. It is what we have been exposed and become accustomed to. You will find that seasoning your food with herbs will give it a more robust taste.
It doesn’t matter if you choose to grow your herbs in your own windowsill or patio garden or purchase them from you local grocery; herbs can transform the blandest of meal into a palate’s delight. It has also been reported that certain herbs have antioxidants that are believe to help protect against certain diseases.
If you are planning on an outside garden, the idea time to begin planting is right after the first frost. Starting the garden with a transplant is a little easier than with seeds and if you are a first time herb gardener you might want to consider this. Use caution in selecting your plants that they are herbs for cooking vs. those intended for ornamental purpose. Speak with the nursery staff for suggestions on a good layout design of your garden. There are certain herbs, mint for an example, which can quickly take over your garden so you want to be sure you allow adequate spacing of your containers. Some great herbs to begin introducing your family to are rosemary, basil, and thyme. There are many good online resources for information to guide you in this process from the planting to in your kitchen pots.
"An herb is the friend of physicians and the praise of cooks." - Charlemagne

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