Thursday, May 29, 2014

Seeing an OPTHAMOLOGIST is important to maintain eye health

Several months ago a friend of mine, aged 58, noticed she was not able to see as clearly as she had been before. She opted to have an eye exam at one of the local establishments that basically just check your vision but did not do an exam to check for eye disease. Within three months she is almost completely blind in one eye.
She is now seeing an ophthalmologist to try to determine the cause of her problem and if it is something that is correctable or will be progressive and involve the other eye as well. She, like most of us, thought that it was enough just to have your eyes checked for the need for glasses only. I pray that they will find the source of her sudden loss of vision and it is reversible. Your eyesight with certain eye diseases can change dramatically in a short period of time, so it is advisable to have your eye checked thoroughly, depending on ones age and family history. Take a few moments to view  some of the videos  on Eye Health Education Essentials

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