Thursday, April 5, 2012

Whooping Cough Epidemic

Yes...this is 2012 and most of us would never think that a nagging cough that seems to be lingering could be "THE WHOOPING COUGH"...but it is very possible. Several states have already declared an epidemic and one would deduct unless measures are taken to contain it, it will continue to spread across the United States.
I fully understand there are those who are definitely opposed to vaccines but when it comes to being able to prevent an outbreak that is potentially fatal to newborns and young choice, although I am not in close contact on a daily basis with the susceptible aged group (infants and young toddlers) I think this is something important enough for me to do my part...get a booster. Hope some of my readers will feel the same way. You can read more about the current outbreak...
Whooping Cough Epidemic

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