Natural Wellness Therapy is a sound therapy program merging the science of music therapy with the benefits of meditation in a revolutionary new vibrational medicine technology that enables anyone to quickly and easily achieve levels of relaxation and deep meditation - without the years of practice that is normally required.The soothing symphony of vibrational sound therapy quickly and efficiently guides the brain wave patterns from relaxing alpha frequencies, to deeply meditative theta and delta states, within minutes.Natural Wellness Therapy utilizes simple, safe audio frequencies delivered through stereo headphones, which cause a synchronization effect between the left and right hemispheres of your brain. This effect, known as whole brain functioning, occurs naturally during the meditative state, and is associated with feelings of overall physical and mental wellness.
•Stress Relief
•Respiratory rate decrease
•Better sleep states
•Heart rate decreases
•Serotonin, which influences mood and behavior, production
•Lower levels of blood lactate which reduces anxiety attacks
•Decrease muscle tension and headaches
•Immune system enhanced
•Energy increases
•Memory improves
Daily our bodies and minds are subjected to stress. The inability to control or eliminate excessive stress is having an adverse effect on our health. More and more people are experiencing sleep disturbances and have minimal periods or restful relaxation. Natural Wellness Therapy’s vibrational sounds gently guide the brainwave patterns to levels of deep, restful relaxation. It does not use any subliminal messages and has no negative side effects. Email me for more info escentualoils@gmail.com.
Peace & blessings
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