Friday, November 5, 2010


How does it feel when you take a deep breath in…does it remind you of sucking a thick shake through a straw…is it a little hard and seems to take out some of the enjoyment. It could be that you are among the estimated 12 million people who have what is known as COPD (Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease). Along with that large number there could be just as many who have it and are unaware they do. Two common names you may be more familiar with are emphysema or chronic bronchitis. COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States and is often a very debilitating disease.
Diagnosis COPD is the first step towards you learning what treatments will be best for you so that you will be able to have more quality of life and breathe easier. To help individuals who have COPD and those at risk (smokers or former smokers, those with environmental exposure, or those with genetic factors) the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has developed a national campaign called COPD Learn More Breathe Better. During the month of November (COPD Awareness Month) why not take a look at their website and share it with others. Also visit the COPD Foundation Blog to become actively involved in the battle against COPD.